Floor 2 Ceiling Solutions

Trustworthy Cleaning Company in Traverse City, MI?

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You'll Notice the Difference Immediately When We're Done

Make Us Your Go-To Cleaning Company in Traverse City, MI

Floor 2 Ceiling Solutions can handle everything from everyday cleaning to professional deep cleans and carpet and upholstery cleaning services in Traverse City, MI and Northwest lower Michigan.

Get in touch with our carpet cleaning company now to schedule a visit from our team.

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  • A group of people are cleaning a living room with a vacuum cleaner.

Check out Our Complete Range of Services

We can do more than clean your carpets. We also offer housekeeping services, so your other household cleaning chores will be taken care of. You can count on us for:

Contact us today if you want to bring out the best in your property.

Contact Us
  • A blue basket filled with cleaning supplies and a pair of yellow gloves

Why Choose Us?

There are several reasons why Traverse City, MI and surrounding area residents trust our cleaning company. For instance:

We Offer Free Quotes

We Have Over 13 Years of Experience

We'll Do the Job Correctly and In a Timely Manner

Questions? Call us at (231) 392-2924 to learn more about our services.

(231) 392-2924

A Clean Home is a Happy Home

Rely on Us for All of Your Carpet, Upholstery and House Keeping Services

Get In Touch
Floor 2 Ceiling Solutions
  • A woman in an apron is holding a bucket of cleaning supplies.

Our Client Reviews

  • A white background with a few lines on it


    They did a great job cleaning my furniture and rugs. The solution they use removes stains and deodorizes better anything out there. They are timely and very thorough.

    -Gretchen B.

  • A white background with a few lines on it


    Excellent contractor. Punctual, efficient, and willing to work with customer. Matt evaluated the entire carpet, explained potential problem areas and offered alternative treatments.

    -Kenneth F.

  • A white background with a few lines on it


    Excellent! Problem solver who cared about figuring out what would really take care of older stained carpet. Spent time talking with me and evaluating my situation.

    -Phyllis A.

Ready to Begin?

We're thrilled you're interested in learning more about our offerings. To help us provide you with the best possible information, please click the button below to access our inquiry form. We look forward to connecting with you!

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